
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A melting pot entry

This post is going to be a little bit of everything. Or not really everything but the few things things I would have wrote about during the past day if I had not of forgotten my iPad (works iPad) at work. And yes we use iPads at work, I'm sure I will describe my job at some point.

First of all I do not really enjoy cooking, and don't tell my husband but I'm actually cooking dinner while posting this. If he knew he would probably claim that's why I "always" burn stuff. In fairness I don't always burn things but I do have bad timing. Something is always ready way sooner than anticipated. Tonight I'm just cooking sausage penne and with the risk of jinxing myself I will say its pretty hard to mess that one up. We bought a BBQ recently and I can't wait to use it. Or should I say for Hubby to use it ;) one less part of dinner for me to do. At least I try to cook, I have a friend who hasn't a clue of where her kitchen even is.

I spoke with one of my sisters yesterday (I have 5 total); since I'm not sure if I want to use names on here or not I will follow the lead of my fav blog and refer to her by the affectionate nickname I've always used (I don't think she knows I call her this). So back to my story, BabyG just recently returned from a two week trip to nicaragua. She went with her school and stayed with a host family. They were introduced to a completely different lifestyle and poverty that was much different from what they'd seen back at home. Plus they got to do a little sightseeing which included a volcano, a jail, some boat ride where they met a monkey and some other interesting sights. I wish I had the opportunity to do things like that when I was in school. BabyG is in a special language stream since she went French emersion public school. She is already bilingual and taking more French, Spanish, and German classes in high school. She is a pretty smart cookie when she wants to be; which I phrased like that because she takes after me in so many ways, one being our slacking in high school. So anyways it was kind of nice to talk to her on the phone, this is something we never do. Her birthday is on Sunday and I will do an official blog intro birthday post then. One thing about her you probably have guessed, shes not a baby anymore. I will explain her nickname later.

My last point today will be brief but I feel the need to vent. Why is it that we adults simply cannot act our age? Is it this bad in every field? I've heard nurses can be catty (I am one) but I find all professions working in long term care are and can be equally as bad. A conversation I had yesterday was taken out of context and the person I was speaking to purposely brought it up to someone else which made me look bad. Not cool people time to grow up. That is all on that I said I would be brief, I'm sure I will write about work frustrations plenty of times.