
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Happy Birthday BabyG :)

Today my little sister turns 17! Which makes me feel really, really old lol. I didn't make the trip to my moms house (45mins away) due to potential of bad weather, but I already told her I would take her for her first manicure and pedicure :) so we will have to plan a date for that.

So in ode to her birthday I thought I would tell you a little bit about her.

BabyG came into my life sometime between my 10th and 11th birthday. She was still a baby at the time, not even able to walk. I think the first time I met her was when my mom took lil brother and I over to my stepdad's old apartment. I instantly was smitten with this little girl. She had blonde hair and big blue eyes, cute as a button. I adored any babies but especially her. I was excited because I knew I would get to play with her often and if I was lucky she would be my sister someday (I desperately wanted a sister).

As BabyG grew from a baby to a toddler she became my little sidekick. It was obvious that I was her favorite ;), her own sister was too busy playing with lil brother to pay much attention to her, and lil brother had no use for a baby. I loved having her around all the time, she chatted non stop. Like seriously non stop, and you could get her to say the funniest things. I remember once at my grandparents house my grandfather made her and my little cousin sit on the screened porch for dinner, he didn't want to listen to the chatter lol. BabyG quickly became the little sister I had always wanted. If someone needed her to do something or ask her a question they always asked me first, I would then turn and ask her. If you skipped me she would either not answer or come to me first before responding.

As we grew up she started to not need to be around me anymore, I think part had to do with the fact that there are 10 years between us. She started to become closer to her actual sister (sister 1) and for a few years we barely even spoke. She stopped being a chatterbox, and became really quiet. My step sisters have both parents they need to split their time between (unlike lil brother and me), and without saying how I think as she aged BabyG started to feel the strains of divorce. Divorce can work fine when both parents are mature about it, but let's face it that's not usually the case.

BabyG and I are not as close these days as I would like us to be, but her finally being a teenager has definitely helped. We are always on different stages of life but now we are able to relate. She has grown into quite the smart and responsible young lady (awwwwww). We have had a few really good chats, and she was a bridesmaid in my wedding (I saw her absolutely hammered that night it was hilarious). I confide in her at times, and although what she tells me is limited I hope she will comfortable enough to confide in me again.

I tend to have a bit of a motherly instinct or protectiveness over BabyG. I'm sort of like it with all of my siblings but a bit more with the younger ones. Her nickname comes from the obvious fact that she is the baby of the family; but also like I mentioned before she is a blonde, blue eyed petite sort of innocent pixie looking girl. She gets away with a lot more than her older siblings ever did, and she has her parents (especially her dad) wrapped around her little finger. It's fairly obvious that in the eyes of her father she will always be a baby, and although she is becoming an adult she will always be my kid sister. I pity the first boy she brings home ;) between her father, myself, and lil brother (who barely speaks to her but would clearly put anyone in place who messes with his sisters) that poor boy won't know what's coming. ;)

Oh speaking of having parents wrapped around her finger; I have made an observation. She has this ability to shall we say "manipulate" For lack of a better word. Girls got skills ;). Luckily she's not evil, nothing wrong with get what you want.

I will have to admit I keep a close eye on her facebook ;) and there is lots I know about her even without her telling me lol. Which is why I know that despite the craziness she has been exposed to in her life she will do just fine. I think I mentioned before she is a lot like me, she has traits about her that she's picked up from all or at least most of her siblings (she has two other step siblings), but there is a lot in her that is me. Even my mom sees it and has made that reference. I'm not sure if deep down she is as troubled as I was as a teen but she has enough sense and maturity about her that in the end she makes the right decisions. From what I understand she has some deep conversations at times with my mom. I had a pretty deep one with her last year in the back of the car on the way home from a bridal show in Toronto. She's a good kid, and if I may say so she's turning into quite the knockout ;)

So happy birthday BabyG :) I hope your year is awesome and filled with many fun filled experiences. Love ya kid