
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Its been a while

I sorta just didn't want to post for a bit there.
I've quietly been reading your blogs, or at least trying to keep up and commenting occasionally when I felt inspired to do so... some posts I had comments for and then was just too lazy to say anything. Sorry about that. Ive been a terrible blog friend.  :(

I feel like the past 2 weeks have been a blur. Almost like Ive been sleeping the whole time ( I definitely have been tired enough),  I've been pretty much zombie waiting for the days to pass. I can't wait for August to be over and hopefully be making an announcement to the rest of our family and friends. I think my zombie state is my way of not getting too excited but also not dwelling on my fears. kinda a zombie coping method lol.

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm pretty much demanding regular blood work the next few weeks and want to know when my next ultrasound is. I need reassurance, there's no denying it at this point.

Now onto the good things.

My boobs still hurt. lol not all the time (which of course worries me) but quite regularly. Like this morning for instance I went to put on my bra and as the fabric rubbed across my nipples I almost let out a little yelp. And yes I'm counting this as good. lol

I kinda, just kinda a little bit may be showing. Its undecided yet if its the bloat still or more, my mother in law thinks its a bump and I'm starting to think she may be right since it seems to be there all the time. The bloating has always come and gone with meals etc. She took a picture this past weekend so I will get it from her and post it later.

Nausea comes and goes with the bloat mostly. Ive been taking my nausea pills which seem to help and are possibly working to keep the actual nausea at bay. The only exception is last week I forgot to take them and felt horrid the whole next day... this also could have been food poisoning, I'm not the best cook.  lol

And as for non pregnancy things (because I really need to get in the habit of writing about other things more)...

My veggie garden is fried. We managed to get a few snow peas, a couple green beans, and a couple carrots out of it but I think the heat and lack of rain has pretty much doomed it. I water it was much as I can but its just not helping. All in all not a total failure.

I think I quite possibly may lose my money in our big brother pool soon. Remember me being so excited for it to start? lol well I paid my  $10 and got Danielle as my player, I was pretty psyched at first but I think Kalia may screw it all up for me this week and I'm gonna be out my money soon. I had such high hopes lol.

My brother in law is visiting for the week... more on that after he leaves...

and that's pretty much it. all in a nutshell. I will be back sooner than later :)

Oh and today I am 9 weeks 3 days pregnant. Heres that ultrasound from 7w3d.