
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update not sick

Just a quick update about the temp I had. I didn't get sick and after a long 32 days it became obvious I was not pregnant either.

I'm disappointed, even with having just lost my job I was kind of hoping for some good news. I honestly do not know how people get through the torture of actually trying month after month without success. I can honestly say I think about it at least once a day and am saddened by the fact that I had such an amazing thing taken from me. We haven't been "trying" as in I don't check the calender and schedule in the baby dancing. I am just aware of what is happening to my body and keeping track of little signs through out the month. I can't help it if at certain times Hubby or I seem to be more in the mood to dance, and that those moods line up on the calender ;) I am going to take my temp regularly this month just to be sure I am in fact ovulating. I'd really rather know exactly what is going on and understand my body.

Cousin 2 finally has some answers about her 2 year long attempt. They think she has PCOS, her cycles are too irregular and when she has gotten pregnant they think the lining was too weak and caused both of her miscarriages.  I think she has the next month to do a few more tests/tracking and then the doctor is going to give her clomid to help regulate. I'm really happy for her to finally have some answers and to have those answers not be the worst case scenario.

Cousin 1 has been put on bed rest for possibly the rest of her pregnancy. I don't have the full update on that one. Looks like they are going to schedule her in for a c section 1-2 weeks early as well, so early July she should be meeting her little babe.

And thats enough baby talk for me. I need to shower; I've caught my breath now from my morning work out... that I am dragging my ass to do each day. If I'm going to be home I may as well look good ;)