
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

16 weeks/ first trimester recap

* I know my first trimester ended a few weeks ago but I've been lazy and hadn't gotten around to doing a recap so hereit is combined with my 16 week update.

how far along?
16 weeks today :)

total weight gain?
I don't check regularly, but at my last appointment (2 weeks ago) I had gained a total of 6lbs. I might start tracking weekly on my own...the thought scares me

stretch marks?
None so far! I've started using bio oil since I've popped out so much these past few weeks. I know it's mostly genetics but I'm not taking any chances.

It's getting better. We did recently purchase a king size posturepedic bed so that could have something to do with it ;). For a while I was sleeping for 2-3hour stretchs having to pee quite often.

best moment this week
Since I haven't done weekly posts how about best so far. That probably would be our ultrasounds and being told that little heart was beating :) such a relief.

worst moment this week
So far the worst moment was week 5 (or was it 6) when the spotting started and rushing to the ER because it was getting heavier and cramping.

No definite movement yet but we did put music and headphones on my belly last weekend and during that time I felt queasy butterfly sensations in my stomach. Hopefully I will feel something more definite soon. I'm terrified and eagerly awaiting it.

I haven't had crazy cravings where I want weird things, or where I am making hubby go out and buynthings randomly. I kind of expected I would but not so far. However I am easily influenced by the power of suggestion, if I see someone eating something or hear someone talking about something therE is a good chance I will want it later. But that later could be days later, somfar I'm still acting sane. Two things I've noticed that I love lately are fresh tomatoes and gravy (not together) I could probably have them every day and love it.

We booked out anatomy ultrasound for October 18th :) hopefully the little one will cooperate and show us the goods ;)

labour signs?
Thank goodness nothing so far and we hope to keep it that way until March!

belly button?
My uterus appears to be high and at my 12 week ultrasound the technician barely went more than an inch below my belly button. To my surprise about a week later after much convincing from hubby I discovered I needed to take my belly button ring out! So early! I was shocked! But it turns out my belly button had relocated itself about an inch higher than normal and had started changing shape. It continues to change as time goes on and currently the top on the button hole (is that what it's called? lol) is started to push out and getting more shallow already.

Well we are improving and I have been pretty lucky but here are the symptoms I've experienced so far: lots of headaches, lots of heartburn, slight upset stomach at times (I wouldn't even call it nausea), frequent trips to the bathroom to pee(this has settled and no longer a problem), sore to touch boobies and nipples (some days are fine), oh and more recently I think my nipples have grown in size... I'm too scared to inspect this closer. I had a lot of bloat in the beginning, some episodes of constipation, and of course my rapidly growing belly.
Now that looks like a good list but it's not it was everything all the time, some days I feel perfectly fine, and others I get one or two of the above mentioned. Heartburn and headaches have been by far my biggest nemesis.

Weird. That describes them. Also random. I've been having a lot of night terrors, and a lot of realistic dreams where when I wake up I don't realize it was a dream, those are mostly scary as well. Oh but the other night I had a silly dream where I was in a video game and people I knew where floating bubbles I had to jump on for points lol.

Generally happy but easily irritated.

other emotions?
I have moments of fear and anxiety. Fear about this dream crashing down as well as fear and anxiety about giving birth.

what I miss?
So far I haven't really had any moments where I actually miss anything. I look forward to having sushi again, and celebrating with some drinks but I get by just fine without them.

what I'm looking forward to?
Short term.. Finding out what were having! :) long term is getting to hold this baby :)